Friday, June 8, 2007

Reflection Letter

Well first off I would like to say that writing has never been one of my strong qualities. I have always been good with things such as business letters, resumes and such, but when it comes to writing an essay I seem to always struggle over wording and getting my thoughts out onto paper. This class has been one of the hardest I have had to take in my two years at EVCC, but I did enjoy the challenge. The identity section made me really think about who I am and how I fit into the big picture. The community section got me contemplating how all of my interests, such as drawing, being a Mom, and barbecuing with friends, get me involved in communities every day. The tradition section helped me change my view on what we consider traditions to be and how pop culture changes these on constant basis.
This whole experience made me realize what a diverse society we live in and by reading what others had to say made me appreciate that fact more. Through the topics of identity, community and tradition my classmates have opened my eyes to the fact that we all have different interests and different customs, but we also have a lot in common. The world is such a large place and to be able to get to know my classmates and get a glimpse of how they think, feel and live, as well as share my views and ideas, has made this whole struggle worth it.
The culmination of our quarter in English 101 is a portfolio that displays how not only our writing skills have evolved, but how our personal views have been challenged and altered. The pieces that I have chose to present to you span a wide range of issues from metaphors to pop culture to the excessive eating that takes place during the holidays. The diversity of topics we were assigned to talk about surprised me and made me really contemplate topics that are present in my everyday life, but that I never really pondered before now. I hope what you read here helps to open up your eyes to another view of the world and possibly change how you interpret it.

1 comment:

Caitlyn Theis said...

I love your blog. You said writing isnt your best quality but your peices are really great work. Good job and good luck in your future.