Friday, June 8, 2007

Introduction to Critical Thinking Piece

The first assignment I have to present to you demonstrates how I have used, along with my classmates through an online discussion board, critical thinking skills to analyze the use of metaphors in a poem. “Ending Poem” is a fusion of a mother and daughters examination of who they are and how their ancestors have contributed to who they have become. My family has always been a strong force in my lives and my mother is possibly the strongest. Not only have I been influenced by her, but my Russian heritage has had a large impact on who I am today. Being able to relate to this poem helped me interpret the metaphors that were used. I have always enjoyed poetry and have found translating what the author is really saying a challenge. This discussion board made me think about how different objects symbolized different aspects of the authors heritage and others postings opened my eyes to metaphors I really hadn’t thought about.

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